Mesothelioma is a rare and incurable form of cancer caused by asbestos exposure that tends to affect more men than women, but why?
Occupational Asbestos Exposure
Historically, more men than women have held jobs at which they were continually exposed to asbestos. In these blue-collar trades such as construction, shipbuilding, and auto mechanics, male workers inhaled asbestos fibers day after day, sometimes for decades. Constant exposure over periods of time put these male workers at more risk for asbestos exposure than women.

Early Military Exposure
Another place in which asbestos exposure was prevalent was in the United States Military. Comprised mostly of males, soldiers and seamen at war were exposed to asbestos within military vehicles and vessels. Asbestos was used on Navy ships “from bow to stern,” while aircraft gaskets, firewalls, and heating systems were packed with the substance. Even during the most dangerous of wartimes, veterans faced the danger of asbestos exposure constantly.
Even though asbestos exposure on the job has not been typical for women, exposure is still possible. Many women have been diagnosed with mesothelioma without ever having come into contact with an asbestos factory or product, thanks to second-hand asbestos exposure.
Secondary Exposure
In the same way that a tobacco smoker can leave a trail of smoke behind them for others to inhale, asbestos fibers can follow an exposed worker or soldier home from the job and expose those around them. Fibers can rest on clothing, car seats, and more, exposing multiple individuals as a result. Many children were exposed to asbestos after hugging their father after a long day at work, and wives faced exposure in the laundry room, washing the day’s dirty clothes.
While mesothelioma victims are more likely to be male, we still see women battling the disease every day. No matter how you were exposed to asbestos, time may be running out. Be sure to contact an experienced mesothelioma attorney today, as you might be eligible for compensation if your disease developed as a result of occupational asbestos exposure. Call us today for more information about compensation you could receive.