Asbestos exposure can cause serious diseases, including mesothelioma and asbestos lung cancer. If you breathe asbestos fibers into your lungs, some of the fibers will be deposited in the air passages and on the cells that make up your lungs. Some fibers remain trapped in the lungs, causing severe respiratory damage.
Fibers that clear the lungs are carried away in a layer of mucus to the throat, where they are swallowed into the stomach. They may become stuck in the membranes lining the stomach or intestines, or be distributed throughout the body via the blood. Wherever the fibers are, they have the potential to promote genetic “errors” in cell division that can lead to cancer.
If you or a loved one are suffering from a serious disease after being exposed to asbestos, you are not without legal options. Reach out to an asbestos health issues lawyer to discuss your potential options for compensation.
The most common diseases caused by asbestos exposure are:
Asbestos can also cause several other cancers, including but not limited to ovarian, colon/rectal, esophageal, kidney/renal, lymphoma, stomach/gastric, pharyngeal, laryngeal, tongue, tonsil, vocal cord, and bladder.
Asbestos exposure can leave you with severe adverse health effects, including mesothelioma, asbestosis, lung cancer, and more. If you were exposed to asbestos at work, home, through dangerous products, or elsewhere, you could be entitled to financial compensation. To learn more, call today. A committed legal professional could assess your case and guide you through your next steps.